
Into the Woods

Apr 11, 2024

Oshawa Little Theatre presents


The story follows a Baker and his wife, who wish to have a child; Cinderella, who wishes to attend the King’s Festival; and Jack, who wishes his cow would give milk. When the Baker and his wife learn that they cannot have a child because of a Witch’s curse, the two set off on a journey to break the curse. Everyone’s wish is granted, but the consequences of their actions return to haunt them later with disastrous results. The Brothers Grimm with a twist.

RTO/ERO DURHAM DISTRICT 28 has procured 30 tickets at a discounted group rate. If you would like to join other District 28 members and attend,
INTO THE WOODS on THURSDAY APRIL 11th, 2024 at 7:30 PM.
call Oshawa Little Theatre 905-723-0282 (or go to the box office on a day there is a performance at the theatre).
If necessary, leave a message with the number of tickets you want and your telephone number. They will return your call within a few days.
Inform the theatre that you are with RTO/ERO and you will get the special rate of $36.10. We have reserved some aisle seats that you may request. Wheelchair seating is available but you must let the box office know your needs when calling.
Book quickly, as there are only 30 seats reserved at this price and tickets are going fast at the theatre for this wonderful show! The end date for this offer is April 4 or whenever all tickets are sold.

We will be reserving tables for 5:30 pm at One Eyed Jacks restaurant on Taunton Road west of Simcoe Street.
If you would like to join other members for Dinner please register below so we know how many tables to reserve. You will be sent a reminder email two days before the event.